Thursday, December 29, 2011

evaluating 2011 resolution

2011 January , I challenge myself to achieve 11 resolutions, now it come to the end of 2011. What I have done and how far that I have been? I admit that I only able to achieve certain resolution. However this year was a challenging year for me and I glad that I can learn and having some great experience.

Summary of 2011 light resolution performance measurement.

1. RM 10K Target :

No. I could only say it can be achieve if I work for another additional 1 month.
Self review experience : I wonder why I choose to work for two jobs when other friends may only work for 1 practical training? Nvm , is a great experience for me. Somehow, I feel more enjoy to work on my 2nd job compare with my 1st job. ( p/s : Yes to No 1, if add with other unofficial incomes)

2.Professional behavior and mind

No. Come on, this is still a long journey for me to achieve this. Mentality yes, Action is no.

Reason : There are no action taken to prevent certain “ bypass” behavior.

3.Prepare light Business Proposals/plan

No. My initial business plan was gone, when I received the news that it was already dateline for submission. Nvm, I will still need to have a another proper planning for it.

4.Joining in an event for final competition.

No. Competition joined in this year : Global business challenge 2011, PNB investment competition, OSK Investment challenge , Deloitte Tax Challenge individual and team category, CIMB fast Forward investment challenge.

Haha, none of the above enable me to enter to final stage, however I still feel great cause I able to train my critical thinking skill and learn from others throughout this competitions.

Crazy experience 1st: when everyone sleep early on the day before skul start, we are still preparing for a tax competition at 1.00a.m.

Crazy experience 2nd: Looking at real time share market for the entire morning (monitoring share markets)

5.Practical Public speaking ,

No, But having a total 6 time presentation instead of public speaking for the entire sem ( total accumulated time : 4x10+ 2 x30= 100minutes).

Unexpected experience : 1st , when everyone was sleeping at midnight, I still need to prepare presentation for the assignment. Moreover, I having a experience to sleep less than 2 hours and wait up at 6a.m to rush for final preparation of the project.

Unexpected experience : 2nd 1st time presenting (half an hours) in front of whole class and 3 judges (include 1 foreign accountant expertise , system developer).(omg, my English is not good)

6. International run for 21KM category,

No. I only joined separate events with total accumulated run distance 30KM (International run 10, Star walk 10km, Penang bridge run 10Km)

7.Travel in a new journey.

Yes, drive for more than 100KM for a hot spring , taken 1st time flight to Sarawak, went to Genting (finally went there) and 1st time stay for free in 5 start hotel.

8.Improve continuous my weakness

No. still terrible as usual and need to work harder for it.

9.Improve my language

No. still worst like before (just found out some alternative interesting radio include: Mix Fm, Red FM, Fly FM )

10.Planning for something different.

Yes: although it was unexpected, but still enjoy for this planning process and will have more planning and work on it.

11.Apply two principals in life.

No. need to retrain myself before applying this two principals.

Why I still have time to write all this ? (my time is so limited and my exam is just around the corner) Perhaps, there are only two reasons, 1st to remind me on unsettled resolution and work on it in a coming year.2nd, It is almost burnout for this study week , hence need to take a rest and write a blog before starting another revision.Gambateh!!!

Friday, August 5, 2011

Sarawak Journey

An awesome journey , thank to my special Bro, Chi Chieh and course mate Esther Chia, It was awesome ,memorable and adventurous journey. Kuching is a combination with soothing environment and development business centre.

We start our journey with 1st time stay overnight in Airport without sleep for more than 24 hours, Oops, It was a cold night yet , I still stay awake for whole night with the help of “White coffee” Then the next morning start with 1st time travel across South East China Sea from Penang to Sarawak Kuching via Airplane. It was an awesome kick start of my journey.

1st day :

The Kuching International Airport is twice cleaner, better and bigger as compared with Penang Airport. We start with Sarawak laksa a morning breakfast , the taste and mixture is different compare with other Laksa. Then we also try the Singapore Chicken rice. Next we went to Sarawak Waterfront , Dutch fort, Chinese Museum, Sarawak Carnival festival and landscape theme park.

We were quit lucky as there is food carnival festival for a whole August. All kind of food is available on this festival. I wonder even if I stay for one more weeks l , I may not able to try all the delicious foods. Somehow, we still able to try some chocolate dip, fry oyster , Sausage , Durian Bun, Siao bee , Thai style Udo mee, and etc.

2nd day :

Kolok mee is one of famous mee in Sarawak, it is a “must try” foods in Sarawak. After taking it as our breakfast . We are heading Sarawak Culture village which is more than 35 km from Kuching. Sarawak Culture village offer a glimpse view of culture for all majority races in Sarawak. For instance, Iban , Orang Ulu, Chinese , Malay, Penan , Melanau and etc. once again this was my 1st time to learn how to play congkak and "gasing 'before the end of my journey in here. Next the dinner is full of joy with evaluation and assessment of foods in The Spring and end with a cool ice cream in Sunny Bun

3rd day:

We spent almost whole morning buying equipment , foods and etc in e-mart and have a BBQ session in Matang Family Park resort. The main attraction of the place is that it just like jungle style picnic and cool water across the stony track. Moreover it cost only RM 3 per entry for an adult. Another soothing area is China – Malaysia 30th year anniversary park. It was clean area with lake and joking track.

Delicious foods included in the 3rd day was Dim sum with Siow Bee , sunny hill ice cream, cangkok manis , Kuey teow tomato, sweet and salt chao kuey

4th day : Ching San Yen temple is situated in the middle of the mountain , beside it is different with other temple as we can see the South east China Sea by just standing infront of the temple. Next we also try belancan soto mee,Kuan Ping and ABC ice kacang. Then we went to the largest Crocodile farm in Malaysia.

5th day : The happiest moment always pass faster than what we plan to do. It is time to leave Kuching with longing moment Beside I just notice my hp photo is unable to display in computer screen due to some technical error .arrr, my collection of Sarawak photo may spoilt just because of this.

It was time consuming to travel for one place to another , but it was worthwhile when we able to experience the journey

Saturday, July 23, 2011



behind the scene ................


1第一个开胃菜- 肉碎马铃薯


重点大制造- 薯片烧肉炸鱼

(100% 自家制造成)

finally , this is 我的午餐


Thursday, June 30, 2011

Recently about me 1st July

Recently about me, Just to say hello here
I am still alive and I am still working.
never thought time was so fast, it is alredy July

About working :
I have work more than 7 month in this firm, keep on doing rountine and tedious works
Work life is just like that,
Never think that i gonna work like machine.....
17 companies... , 28 companies,... 70 companies...( like everyone else , work til want to vomit)......

About Genting:
So miss Genting Highland cold air there
and most importantly , 1st time travel up to 3500 meter above sea level,
sure the journey is not gonna be fun without my love and friends there
thank you a lot, they just give a great joyful moment to me
Never thought i dare enough play the outdoor theme park game, haha
Just wonder , How nice the life would be if i can stay there without working.
enjoy the fresh air and life there
cause it is really hot in Ioph

About extension of training
to be the last man stand in the office is really very bored
gonna miss those buddies in the office
when I saw each close friends end their training, and leave the office ,
It just like a solier battle wihout team member in the battle field
just so miss those life in deloitte or HC wong... .
nv say to complain about it, but i have choose to extend
everyone will just say "u have choose to extend, so ..........."
perhaps work life is like a commitment
When we grow up , we have more commitment
each commitment will brace us for a greater challanges.

About double role of working life
Nv think that i dare to challenge this tasks
somehow , sometimes just can not manage myself well in both jobs.
both working enviroment is quit different,
it is just like a ice world and a warm land , as a result......

Sometime he just drink a soya bean as his dinner
and gt to took his dinner at 10.00p.m
from 8.30 until 9.30p.m rest a hour for lunch
rushing in traffic jam road.
wao, how could he stil survive for working after so many months like that.
perhaps the words' the hardworking I am , the lucky i could be' can use to motivate him.

About investment products
is really difficult to choose between both investment products
and make a comparison among them .
both will just claim they are the better one.

About resolution of the year
just a minor change to certain resolutions
well , he still trying achive a few of them.

About some planning for 4th year
yes, gonna do some stuff right before graduate in uni.
just a simple plans and gonna make it come true.

July here I come.......

Sunday, May 8, 2011

About 5C and 5 B in Singapore

NO MORE 5C'S BUT NEW 5B'S in Singapore is something to about the 5cs to the newer 5 bs !

I don't need a CAR, but I want a BMW

I don't need a CONDO, but I want a BUNGALOW

I don't need a CREDIT CARD, but I want a BILLIONAIRE

I don't need you to have CASH but I want you to own a BANK

I don't need you to have a CAREER but I want you to be a BOSS

It's interesting for you to read!

Most of you would have heard of the Singapore 5C's! :

Car, Condo, Credit Card, Cash and Career

Heard of the 5B's?


B - Body

B - Brain

B - Billionaire

B - Bungalow

And, and addition with the 5K's ......................

Kiasu (scared of losing)

Kiasi (scared of dying)

Kiabor (scared of wife)

Kiaboh (scared of having nothing)

Kiachenghu (scared of government)

Saturday, May 7, 2011

You Raise Me Up

When I am down and, oh my soul, so weary;
When troubles come and my heart burdened be;
Then, I am still and wait here in the silence,
Until you come and sit awhile with me.

You raise me up, so I can stand on mountains;
You raise me up, to walk on stormy seas;
I am strong, when I am on your shoulders;
You raise me up... To more than I can be.

You raise me up, so I can stand on mountains;
You raise me up, to walk on stormy seas;
I am strong, when I am on your shoulders;
You raise me up... To more than I can be.

There is no life - no life without its hunger;
Each restless heart beats so imperfectly;
But when you come and I am filled with wonder,
Sometimes, I think I glimpse eternity.

You raise me up, so I can stand on mountains;
You raise me up, to walk on stormy seas;
I am strong, when I am on your shoulders;
You raise me up... To more than I can be.

You raise me up, so I can stand on mountains;
You raise me up, to walk on stormy seas;
I am strong, when I am on your shoulders;
You raise me up... To more than I can be.

You raise me up... To more than I can be.

Wednesday, April 27, 2011


To my dear Aunt , , May you rest in peace
You have given a great childhood to me.
I could say My childhood is memorable because of You..
You are a great person, you treat me just as good as my Mom.
You rise me up from Kinder garden and see as what I am today.

I could remember I used to call u mummy when I was a kid.
I could remember that every morning, U will bring me to a Kinder garden.
I could remember every morning u used to bring me to Pasar Pagi and I will help u to sell all bread .

I could remember I start to earn my 1st wages when I was 6 year old.
You said “just help the bread seller to take their bread then you could earn money”.
That time I was so excited to wake up early at 6.00 a.m and earn my wages when I was a kid.

I could remember sometimes u would buy Noodles, ,” Pan Mee” for me. I could said that was a wonderful breakfast when I was a kid.
i could remember there was a time U will bring me along to primary school to sell bread during their recess time.
I could remember your marriage touched my heart as both of you still hold hand after some many year of marriage.

I could remember I used to play with your son when we were young.
I could remember I was a rebellious kid that I would stay in your house wherever there is long holiday when I am in my primary school. You said” liang, now is holiday , come to my house”. Then I will quickly pack everythings and go to your house.

I could remember u have help to recommend a job for me which I have earn one of the highest paid in my life.
I could remember perhaps 20 years , from having fun with your son ,into attend your daughter wedding until I help fed food for your grandchildren. All up and down in your life is like so closed to me.

I could remember that I have see you encounter many uncertainly things in life. Every moment in your life was so dramatic. I know u have been a very strong lady. Your kindness , cheerful , resilience has greatly impact my heart.

No87 , your house number and my great childhood memory, I think this could be last day I stand here. I know from now onward, this will be an empty house. My childhood memory will stay there forever.

I could remember last week is my last time to hold your hand and saw u still smile at me.
Deep in my heart , I really hope you can stand up again and we could have dinner together.

I keep on hold my tear, and give me last respect to u.
I try console others not to sad, and yet I still hold my tear not to cry. Today is my last moment I feel grateful have you as my aunt.
I hold my tear and want to be strong as you
We would have commit your wisdom.

I know you are just go to a peaceful place. GOD will take care of you.
Thank You for your everything.

Wednesday, April 6, 2011

pray hard


Saturday, February 19, 2011

Tax payer VS IRB

Tax payer VS Inland Revenue Board (IRB) is a common cases in our country. The Court case usually used as a reference for future similar cases, The Income Tax Act (ITA)1967 may be interpret by both parties differently in point of view, hence it may create confusion among tax payers. Another hidden issue is IRB”S stand or current rules and regulations may be unfavorable to Tax payers. This article is intend to discuss some of the potential unfavorable ruling or practices to the tax payers. It hope that the tax payer will not fall into potential loophole for tax liability in the Act

1. Estimation of Tax payable
Current Rules : Section 107 (c ) ITA allow a company to revise the estimation of tax payable in the 6th ot 9th month, However if the final tax payable exceed total of installment payable with different of more than 30% of tax payable. The tax payer is liable to penalty of 10%of the difference under sec 107(c ) 10
Critical Issue : It seem that tax payer really need to be due diligence in estimate the tax payable. But, how a tax payer is really able to forecast accurately the profit for the final 3 month( assumed 9 month revise)? The 10% penalty can be huge for a listed company. Moreover the company is need to appeal for waive for such a penalty. It seem that the company need to revised estimation more to avoid potential penalty. However, sometimes the actual tax liability is really different with estimation since it involve actual tax computation and added back of unallowable expense.

2. Cash flow versus tax payable
Current Rules : Sec 107(c ) 4 the company can not revised or estimate less than 85% the estimation of previous CP204 (estimation form). Approval of IRB is required in such circumstances
Critical Issue : It seem company can not simply revise tax payable less than previous estimation. But it also indicated that the company need to spend early cash to pay tax. Some company may pay more tax as compared with actual tax liability. Hence it create tax credit This seem unfavaborable because of NPV of cash flow. In another words, now pay tax is more expensive as compared with paying tax in a later period. Another issues is usually the tax credit will be refund to tax payer in a later period. But sometime the refund status may take longer time due to desk audit process. Once again the NVP concept is affecting the cash flow of company

3. IRB’ stand on made payment first before you argue
Current Rules : Section 106 of ITA enable a court to take legal action without further action.
Example : IRB may use Sec106 to ensure us pay penalty before the due date. Sometime late payment also subject to 10% penalty.
Critical Issue : when we receive the additional assessment or penalty imposed by IRB, the current pratises is require us to pay the penalty before ague with IRB. Somemore there was some preceeding case in the court on this issues.. It may be unfair to tax payer to pay tax or penalty if it is was not they ‘ s fault or they may not liable to penalty due to tax
4 Section 140 issue
Current Rules : Sec140 enable a Director General (DG) to disregard transaction that is either evading or avoiding tax. Moreover the DG may charge greater tax and raise additional assessment to the tax payer.
Example : If I acquired certain company with the huge loss bought forward in view of potential profit generated by the company in the future. IRB may disregard the transaction with potential tax saving duel offsetting of carry forward loss. Another example on acquired a company and lease it at lower of market price.. IRB may regard this as an unusual transaction and disregard the transaction.( CIT v AB Estate Ltd)
Critical issue : The issue here is show that sometime if we are doing tax planning, the project may fall under sec140 , we may not able achieve tax saving moreover there is a possibility of penalty of 45% on the actual tax payable.. Hence Tax planning is really a difficulty task for tax payer or tax agent.

4. Deductible issues
Current Rules : Dedutible issues is a greater issues in tax computation. But Tax concept for deductibility of expense focus on issue like Incurred in production of income , no capital nature and etc.
Example: professional fees for secretarial , taxation fees, 1st time subscription, Improvement of asset, Interest of money borrow to pre production activities is not deductible and hence need to be added back to profit before tax.
Critical issue : the deductible issue often increase the tax liability.. There is many preceding case on deductible issue.. However., some of the items involved was cost of running business even is not income producing (sectarial fees) and compliance to rules. Why those items is not deductible but still subject to deductible test?

5. Pemanent loss
Current rules : investment expense is often a permanent loss if the expense exceed investment income. The loss can not offset with any other income.. Capital allowance is also permanent loss and can not carry forward to next year
Critical issue : The permanent loss is often an tax disadvantage to tax payer since it will not reduce the tax liability. Why there the loss can not forward and treat the same way for business income to help the tax payer pay less tax?
6. Tax computation for expense.
Current rules : Investment holding company (IHC) is fall under S60F and expense incurred by IHC is calculated based on the permitted expense, or 5% of income. While Leasing company is using gross profit as source to apportioned the expense>
Critical issue : Both of the rules restrict the deductible expense and thus increase the tax liability. Is it seem to be unfavorable to tax payer ? The expense incurred by both company shall be calculated based on actually amount incurred by the tax payer.
7. Court Case
Current Rules : the tax payer usually files an appeal to DG , next to special commissioner, then to high court , the next stages is court of Appeal and finally is Federal Court
Crtcical issue : it seem that the tax payer can have different channel to appeal until the result is favaorable to tax payer. However , the court’ cost is often out weight the tax saving. Furthermore, if we take a look in preceeding case, IRB will often appeal a case until the result is favorable to them. The issue here is would the tax payer spend time and cost for few year to win a court in achiving tax saving.? The opportunity cost of business is often high and a disadvantage to tax payer.
8. Tax envasion VS Tax Mitigation
Current rules : The rule provide a clear interpretation on tax evasion is illegal;, and tax mitigation is legally reducing allow expense and Tax avoidance is legitimate
Critical issues: Tax planning often is a tax mitigation , however , if we do some mistake planning, we may fall under sec140. Another issue is we may think we can easily do tax planning. But each course of income or action may still subject to tax.
Example : even if we not fall under section withholding tax section 107A , another sec109B(1) is still make us liable to tax.. Next, Some people may think it is easy for them to reduce tax by transfer income to another party. But the Section 65 , the settlement is deemed to be the settlor.. In other words, even if we may try transfer money but the income is still deemed to be our money and subject to tax.
9. Statue barred issue
Current rules : Sec91 (1) , no additional assessment may be made as it is under six year time bar.
section 91 (3) (B). Director General is still can raise assessment under 6 year for fraud and negligent.
Critical Issues : Current practice is most accounting firm will retain tax file for 7 years and destroy tax file for those file that above 7 year.. The issue is IRB may raise under section 91(3) in year 2011 for case happen in 2000.,so how tax payer is going to defend himself without the tax files ? section 91(1) can not fully protect the tax payer? The possible stand may be an aggressive stand of both party on assessment.
10. Tax saving VS Compliance cost
Current Rules : the company intend to achieve tax saving may claim the incentive or apply for special deduction.
Critical issue : the tax payer need to compliance with the requirement to claim for the incentive however there may be much more compliance cost as compared to tax saving. At the end , the tax payer end up by forgone the incentive.

In conlusion , The may be a case basis for each of the above issues. Those critical issue may seem to be unfavorable to tax payer.It still depend on the tax payer to plan proper in tax planning or some case law to help the tax payer. It hope that this article is provide awareness to the tax payer and personal view on interpretation on technical issue for the ACT

Diclaimer : The writter disclaim any liability in respect of reliance on partial or whole part of the contents. Professional ‘ advices shall be sought before making decision in tax planning.

Writer of this article is General Manager for Light Tax Services(LTS).

Sunday, February 6, 2011

sunday's mood

time really pass so fast
holiday is come to the end
i think most of us really don like Monday
as is so bored , demotivation and holiday mood
perhaps , this is ordinary Sunday ' mood for ppl's working life
as ppl like to say : study life is good , u can skip class
but working life u can not skip working.
u can choose to sleep for study , but u are force to wait up for work.
study life can skip certain assignment , but working life life can not skip any routine duty;
study life can delay our study but working life can not delay even a single minutes;
the most tension in study is only during exam
while sometime working is really tension every minutes;
u can choose not to listen during lecture time , but u can not choose not to listen to what boss said;
ppl will not bully u on study , but ppl can bully u on working life.
friend can help check ur study's assignment , but boss will direct check ur work
study is for own, but work is for other ppl,
u can demand form lecturer, but u can not demand from ur boss
u can choose to study what u want to read
but u can not choose what u want to work
u will feel happy when study time is free
but u will feel omg when u are so free to waiting for job
u are a boss to decide on ur study,but they are boss to decide ur working life
but whatever is it, we still have to cope it well
and do it is for our's benefit and redeem reward from it.

Saturday, February 5, 2011


其实, 整个事件并不是各方所想的那样, 我的不小心却让大家误会我的好意,
很想解释 , 但却没有机会, 只会招来骂声, 我不是故意, 也是无意伤害的
我以为可以做好中间人角色, 但一方有小失望, 另一方就大骂声, 两方我都不能讨好
如果我做错了,我可以接受批评与骂声, 但为什么我不能有解释的机会
我一个做错了,一个人 只好自己撑所有的错,
对不起, 没想到使到对方激动
自责,无奈,伤心 陪我度过一个失眠的夜晚。

Saturday, January 29, 2011


A nice sharing session with legendary person,
he is really a legend,
he choose to resign as senior manager in Deloitte
,reject invitation to be kpmg director,
and choose something he is really want to be.
He acquired a medium firm, and become a tax partner in there
As a partner in a firm is just like become a boss and own the firm,
I really grateful as he is the one who give me opportunity to get my 1st job
and start to learn about accounting
yesterday he has raised up one of the questions for me to think and decide
meanwhile i also recall about this legend story,,,,,
I remember last time he ask me a question:
" why u want to be an accountant instead of engineering,as engineer is high paid
and if using compounding interest, in ten year time , your can get .........."
that time i think my answer was really silly and i say 'actually....."
i remember how the director of Deloitte always count on him and how he handle all the expertise's tax matter or local tax compliance..
i remember even at nite doing overtime, he was still very energetic and looking at us with a charming face...
i remember he has one of the strength that differentiate form another manager,
I remember he like to promote tax ,and is a very demanding person but act very professional..
I remember colleague said he take his own licenses and has two attributes that make he able to success as compared to others
he is just like a role model
an inspiration
and a legend.
yesterday was a nice chatting and joking session with him until 1.a.m
as a result , today really feel sleepy,headache and even sore throat.
but he just give some valuable advices and directions to me.